If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Income Tax and a Caller TuneWhat’s the similarity between Income Tax and a Caller Tune? . .. … In both the cases, one pays the money and others enjoy.
Funny Girls are always incomplete withoutWoman has man in it, Mrs has Mr in it, female has male in it, Madam has adam in it, so girls are always incomplete without boys.
Funny Scientists all over the worldScientists all over the world are wondering how long a human being can live without a brain… Kindly tell them your age…
Funny I hate it when people point toI hate it when people point to their wrists to ask for the time! I mean, seriously, do I point to my crotch when I need to go to a Restroom?
Funny Everybody makes mistakesGod made Pepsi, God made whisky, God made me so sexy, God made rivers, God made lakes and God made you… well everybody makes mistakes.
Funny Never get jealousNever get jealous when seeing your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend with another person. Remember we were taught to give our old toys and clothes to the less fortunate.