Best advertising line: Faithful husband will go straight to heaven and unfaithful husbands will enjoy heaven on Earth. Choice is yours…Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny Alcohol is not in my VodkabularyAlcohol is not in my Vodkabulary. However, I looked it up on Whiskeypedia and learnt that if you drink too much of it, you’re Brandyed a Gin in social circles!
Funny Black boy very romantically askedOn a dark night near an ocean in Africa, a black boy very romantically asked his black girlfriend, . . . . . . Darling, are you there?
Funny Silly horror movie dialogueSilly horror movie dialogue: Hey, anybody there? As if the ghost gonna reply, I am in the living room! Want a drink?
Funny It’s rainingIt’s raining. Better alert all those who don’t have ‘Windows’ so that they may go out and enjoy the view.
Funny Which boy has the permissionQ: Which boy has the permission to get into a girls’ bathroom and touch her anywhere he likes? A: Lifebuoy.
Funny You have always been a headacheMon to Sun, From Jan To Dec, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, You have always been a headache!