It’s raining. Better alert all those who don’t have ‘Windows’ so that they may go out and enjoy the view.Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny You see I’m born geniusRemember these two words, it will open many doors in life. . .. … …. 1. Push 2. Pull Impressed? You see I’m born genius!
Funny Enter your hands in betweenFeeling bored? Wondering, what to do? Open the zip! Enter your hands in between your zip… take out your… book from your bag and study!
Funny World’s shortest jokesWorld’s shortest jokes: Two women sitting quietly! Two pathans playing chess! Girlfriend pays the bill. Need more? you are so beautiful.
Funny Everything about you is perfectEverything about you is perfect – your lips, your skin, your eyes, your body. Perfect! You are lucky to be born beautiful, not like me, who was born to be a big liar.
Funny White paper on black moneyWhite paper on black money: Details are grey, May age with time to yellow, Opposition sees red, Taxpayers green with envy.
Funny Only once in your lifeOnly once in your life you will get a right person with whom you will get married, so, till than keep enjoying with the wrong Ones!