When you miss somebody, When nobody disturbs you, When nobody is near you, And when You are in control, It surely means that You are in the TOILET!Funny Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageFunny SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Funny you weren’t made in ChinaFake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake smile. Girl, are you sure you weren’t made in China?
Funny A rich blonde girl was walkingA rich blonde girl, was walking by the river in the wild. Suddenly, she saw a crocodile. She screamed, ‘Oh my God! Help! Lacoste!’
Funny A student writes a letter via telegramA student writes a letter via telegram to his dad. It goes… No fun, send mon, your son! Dad write back saying…so sad, too bad, your dad!
Funny Written on the T-shirt of a beautifulWritten on the T-shirt of a beautiful girl walking on side of the road, ‘You are not looking at the road right now, be careful!’
Funny The rain makes all things beautifulThe rain makes all things beautiful, the grass and flowers too. If rain makes all things beautiful, why doesn’t it rain on you?
Funny Got a whole Channel onThis is not fair! How could you do this? Didn’t expect this from you! Got a whole Channel on your name and didn’t even tell me?Animal Planet!