Marriage is so hard that even Nelson Mandela got a divorce. He spent 27 years in South Africa prison getting tortured and beaten everyday of his life for 27 straight years. He got out of jail, spent 6 months with his wife, and said I cant take this shit!
Before marriage, men talk about India, Pakistan, US, Israel, Phones, Cricket, Golf, Football, Sunny Leone… After marriage, men listen to their wives talk about their ‘maids’!
Just because a person is silent doesn’t mean that he is not aware of fun and joy. It’s possible that life taught him some serious lessons. Or may be, he is Married.
If men behave after marriage the way they do before it, half the divorces won’t take place. On the other hand, if women behave before marriage the way they do after it, half the marriages won’t take place!
Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.