Marriage Age 18. Drinking Age 25. Can someone ask the damn politicians how to survive the first 7 years of Marriage?Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage One day I’ll kill youBefore marriage: Roses are red, sky is blue. you are beautiful, I love you. After marriage: Roses are dead, I’m blue. you are my headache, one day I’ll kill you.
Marriage When you touch to feelWhen you touch to feel, it’s desire, When you don’t touch and still feel, it’s love, When you touch and still don’t feel, .. .. .. It’s your wife!
Marriage Staying single is a styleStaying single is a style, Divorce is in vogue, Living-in is common, Extra-marital is happening, And being married is totally outdated!
Marriage If you are singleIf you are single, remember good things come to people who wait. If you are settled, then settlement is what you get from a separation.
Marriage Listening to your WAGs is likeListening to your WAGs is like reading the Terms and Conditions of a website. You don’t understand anything, still you confirm . .. … I Agree!
Marriage There is only one perfect childThere is only one perfect child in the world and every mother has it. There is only one perfect wife in the world and every neighbour has it