Don’t marry the person you want to live with, marry the one you cannot live without, But whatever you do, you’ll regret it later!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Every time I talk to my wifeEvery time I talk to my wife, my mind reminds me that… this conversation will be recorded for training and quality purposes!
Marriage A man likes his wife to beA man likes his wife to be just clever enough to appreciate his cleverness, and just stupid enough to admire it.
Marriage Marriage Age 18Marriage Age 18. Drinking Age 25. Can someone ask the damn politicians how to survive the first 7 years of Marriage?
Marriage Why are wives more dangerousWhy are wives more dangerous than the Mafia? The mafia wants either your money or life… The wives want both!
Marriage To keep your marriage brimmingTo keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, Whenever you are wrong, admit it and whenever you are right, shut up!
Marriage Why doesn’t law permit a manQ: Why doesn’t law permit a man to marry a second woman? A: Because as per law you cannot be punished twice for the same offence!