After a few drinks man goes naughty, blabbers and shouts like an animal, fights without reasons, demands unnecessarily and simply irritates. But a woman can do all this without drinks!
When asked if he was prepared to support a family, the new son-in-law answered, ‘I’m sorry, I was only planning on providing for your daughter. The rest of you will have to support yourselves.’
I saw you on road today. you were looking so fine, your face so divine, your walk so perfect. My heart started singing a sweet song: Who let The dog out!
Alcohol is not in my Vodkabulary. However, I looked it up on Whiskeypedia and learnt that if you drink too much of it, you’re Brandyed a Gin in social circles!
Boss to an employee: Do you believe in life after Death? Employee: Certainly not! There’s no proof of it, he replied. Boss: Well, there is now. After you left early yesterday to go to your uncle’s funeral, he came here looking for you.