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Funny Got a whole Channel onThis is not fair! How could you do this? Didn’t expect this from you! Got a whole Channel on your name and didn’t even tell me?Animal Planet!
Funny SUICIDE is crimeI wanted to kill the most sweetest, smartest and most beautiful person on earth. Then I thought SUICIDE is crime under sec 309 IPC.
Funny Steve Jobs’ last wordsSteve Jobs’ last words: Please note that . .. iPill is not our product and iPad is not a sanitary napkin!
Funny Education is incomplete withoutEducation is incomplete without 5 B’s B – Bikes B – Beers B – Babes B – Bunks and the most important B – Backlogs!
Funny Extremely Important NewsExtremely Important News!!! : Dear friends, Do not eat Ferrero Rocher or Cadbury Chocolates, and Haagen Daaz and Ben and Jerry Ice Creams or Magnum products… … WITHOUT ME.
Funny Which boy has the permissionQ: Which boy has the permission to get into a girls’ bathroom and touch her anywhere he likes? A: Lifebuoy.