An intelligent wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can’t afford another women.Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage It’s a day when a man stops doingHoliday: It’s a day when a man stops doing what his Boss wants and starts doing what his Wife wants!
Marriage I believe trust is the very keyI believe trust is the very key in a relationship, because if you don’t trust your girlfriend, how could you be sure she won’t tell your wife?
Marriage Never Argue with your wifeNever Argue with your wife when she’s angry, or when she’s tired, or relaxed, or happy or whatever. JUST NEVER.
Marriage How Dogs and Women are alikeHow Dogs and Women are alike? Neither believe that silence is golden, neither can balance a checkbook, and Both put too much value on kissing
Marriage Running away from any problemRunning away from any problem will only increase the distance from the solution. So face the problem in the same way as you face your spouse daily!
Marriage If I die firstWife: If I die first, I want you to promise to let my mother ride in the first car with you at the funeral procession. Husband: OK, but it will totally ruin my day!