What is the similarity between Media and Wife? Till they don’t share the same news at least 100 times, they really don’t sit quietly!Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage Divorce and legal separationWhat’s the difference between divorce and legal separation? In legal separation, the husband gets time to hide his money!
Marriage The person who invented marriageThe person who invented marriage was creepy as Hell. Otherwise how can a person really think of such weird thing like, Hey! yo I love you so much. I’m gonna get the government involved so that you can’t leave me.
Marriage Whenever I disagree with my wifeWhenever I disagree with my wife, which is seldom,she goes her way and I go . .. … Her way too!
Marriage An intelligent wifeAn intelligent wife is one who makes sure she spends so much that her husband can’t afford another women.
Marriage If you keep losing your hairWife: If you keep losing your hair at this speed, I shall divorce you. Husband: Oh my God! And I was stupid enough trying to save them!
Marriage Love with your own wifeResearch has revealed that you can actually fall in love with your own wife… . .. … If somebody else describes her to you.