While in bed after few years of marriage, husband and wife’s HIPS meet each other more often than LIPS….Marriage Quote ImageDownload Quote ImageMarriage SMS ImageDownload SMS Image
Marriage We don’t have hot boyfriendsDear Weather, Please stop being so cold. We don’t have hot boyfriends, we already have cold husbands with hot temper. Sincerely, Wives
Marriage Woman’s punishmentEver since Eve started it all by offering Adam an apple – woman’s punishment has been to provide a man with food and also suffer the consequences!
Marriage You don’t love me at allWife to husband: You don’t love me at all. Husband points towards their five children and says, ‘Do you think I have downloaded them from Google’?
Marriage Love Marriage vs ArrangedIt’s funny when people discuss Love Marriage vs Arranged. It’s like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered.
Marriage All fairy tales begin withSon: Mummy, do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once upon a time?’ Mummy: No sometimes they start with, ‘Darling, I have to work a little late at the office tonight!’
Marriage Every wife is likeEvery wife is like terms and conditions of a website. The husbands never understand or read what she says but they all always accept.